Thursday, January 7, 2016

Life is Good

So, some stuff happened.

That's why I haven't been writing-stuff was happening. Nothing bad,

I was talking to a friend earlier (well, texting because who talks on the phone anymore?) and it went like this:

Me: How ya feeling? Little fetus getting ready to head out? (She's pregnant and due to pop soon, so it's not really that weird)

Friend: He is enjoying his time in what will probably feel like more like space than anything else he ever feels in his life. He's hanging in there. 32 weeks tomorrow. I suddenly realized I'm having a baby so the nesting has started. I've been cleaning like a crazy person.
How is the new job? And the car? And the man? So awesome!

I reread her message and it hit me. She's asking me how my job is. And my car and my man. Me. The girl that never thought she'd be the kind of person, woman, I've turned out to be.

I never thought I'd have an office job. I worked in a restaurant off and on for over 12 years. I worked in a daycare for 3. I worked retail for 8. I even worked manual labor. The thought of being at a computer all day was so unfathomable. And I'm here, in human resources, and I couldn't be happier. I have routine, and set hours and clearly set expectations. I leave work and I'm done. I have an office, like my own office, with my name on the door and everything. I know how to use Excel and make PDF files and I can shoot off an email in seconds. I have gotten to know the copier/scanner thing downstairs and learned how to download, upload and search for a file I accidentally sent to the Recycle bin.

AND, I get to help people. I am able to be myself and answer questions and be around others that make me laugh. I feel challenged and appreciated. I sincerely hope that the temporary status changes to permanent. But, if it doesn't, I'm going to leave with my head high and crammed full of knowledge. And hopefully I'll leave something behind that wasn't there before, for the next person.

I'll just drive to the next place.  In my car. With my license tucked securely in my silly elephant wallet. I don't think people realize how huge this is for me. I was terrified to drive. I'd get extremely nervous even at just the thought of being behind the wheel. I'd tried several times before to learn and each time I just....couldn't. When I failed my driver's test the first time, I was disappointed and in the past, I might have given up. Instead, I allowed myself to be pissy and disappointed that I'd failed and then I just practiced more. Nailed it the second time.

Driving has given me an independence I didn't know I needed. It's literally forcing me to go out of my comfort zone. If I don't drive, I don't go to work and I have to go to work. So I conquered the freeway. Granted, it's a short trip, but I do it twice a day, five days a week.

I'm noticing things more. I'm beginning to understand road rage. I like to drive fast now-60 doesn't feel scary anymore now that I'm more comfortable behind the wheel. I can back out of a parking space without dread that I'll hit something and I've even parallel parked. On purpose.

The smallest things are exciting to me. I can't wait to go to a drive-thru coffee stand. I pumped my own gas the other day and felt like a rock star. I let someone in ahead of me and they waved thanks and it made me grin. I have driven in just about all kinds of weather now-torrential rain, spitty rain, snow, fog, sun...and I drove through a giant puddle of standing water but didn't hydroplane. I'm enjoying the driving thing.

And I'm enjoying The Fella. I'm quite lucky. He's supportive and kind. He makes me laugh and he likes my cats. And he loves me. I feel content and fulfilled and completely respected.

We went to a movie the other day and it felt like our first date all over again. He never ceases to make me feel special and even on the days when I have a hard time understanding why he loves me, I never doubt it.

So, some stuff is happening. And it's good stuff. Life-y stuff. The new job is good. It's challenging and I'm learning a lot. Driving and the car are good. I've named the little gray Honda "Sadie" and put lavender in her console. The Fella doesn't like it but it's my car now. He does like me and I know it and this weekend we're going on a date because he still thinks of things like that.

I guess you could is good.

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