Wednesday, March 28, 2012


A comment left under a picture of Richard Hayne ( reads:

 "Fuck him! ALL LOVE NOH8".

 So....saying 'fuck him' might sort of cancel out the attempt at moral propaganda. Just sayin'.

Dad always said opinions are like assholes-everyone's got one.

And here's mine. 

First of all, the wording of the comment is just ridiculous. 'NOH8'? Is this what we're coming to? Doesn't anyone just use words anymore?  For crying out loud, the word 'hate' is only 4 letters-do we really have to shorten it to 'H8'? I hate that I know that 'H8' is the word 'hate'. Text speak is not cool yo.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the F word. But I also respect the fact that not everyone else does. I can be a lady, even if I have a sailor's mouth.  The total lack of respect that people seem to have for one another is appalling.  I'm not saying we need to wear daisies in our hair and hug trees but for god sakes have some compassion for one another. We're all on this planet together.

Ok. Deep breath.
Step off the soap box.

I am so often disappointed in humanity. It's because I work retail. And before that, I waited tables. I get to see a lot of people every day and every day I see things I wish I didn't.

But today, the good outweighed the bad.

We were crazy busy in the shop. I saw an elderly woman struggling with a heavy bag. My coworker is about to burst with child so she couldn't help and I was in the middle of a conversation with another customer. I was about to excuse myself politely when I saw a young boy, probably about 10, walk up to the woman and offer to carry the bag to her car. The woman was grateful and the boy did it so....naturally....that I had to say something.

We died down a bit and I stepped out from behind the counter to go talk to him. He held eye contact and smiled politely as I complimented his extreme awesomeness.  I told him it was just so great to see that someone his age was willing to help and so very polite. I complimented his grandma too who smiled and said, "He was trained right."

Yes ma'am he was.

That youngster renewed my belief that the world isn't entirely filled with text speaking shitbags. Maybe there's hope for the future after all.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh. Love ya Lindsay. Times are changing and as long as they are, the more I stay the same.
