Friday, August 26, 2016

This Morning

Theme from Harry Potter...6:03 am. I swipe the screen, stop the music. Time to get up.

Into the bathroom, the cat follows. She leaps on the counter, purrs at me, bumps me affectionately as nature finishes it's call.

My phone has come into the bathroom with me, I don't even notice anymore when it's in my hand. It's too much a part of me. It's too late now. Social media. Scroll, scroll, scroll.

Time to get into the shower. Why can't I ever remember which way to turn for the water to be hot? My hair is so long. 1-2-3-4-5 pumps of shampoo. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 pumps of conditioner. Loofa, body wash, facial scrub. Seems like I've been in here forever.

Rake back the shower curtain and the cat's still on the counter. She meows at me, watches me towel dry. Hair in a terrycloth turban, it's time to get dressed.

Clothes in a basket at the foot of my bed, in the closet, on the floor. Clean but unfolded, waiting to be worn. Too hot for that, that doesn't fit right, I don't really like that one, I wore something like that yesterday...eventually an outfit is chosen.

Before clothes: deodorant, lotion on the legs, baby powder, lotion on the arms, toothpaste on the teeth. Towels hung, body naked in front of the mirror. Hair dripping. More conditioner sprayed in, comb through.

Dressed now, phone in hand again, down the stairs. Fill the water bottle, pack a lunch, pet the cats. Good morning. Kiss the fella, grab my purse and keys, out the door.

Garage door up, engine turned. What kind of music today? Kind of quiet, contemplative? Pop, hip hop, classic rock? Undecided, so a compilation. Back out the driveway and into the street. Push the button, check to see the door is closing.

Sun is bright orange, hot already. 7:03 am. Down the street to the corner where I turn right towards coffee. Grande latte and good morning. Thank you, have a nice day.

Onto the freeway as coffee smell fills the car. Music swells the speakers, fingers tapping on the wheel. My exit isn't far and today I'm the only one on it.

Until I see her. She walks without hesitation in front of my car, her two fawns following cautiously. I turn the music down, drink in the moment. The doe is so confident, so sure that no harm will come to her. Her babies take their time going over the guardrail and I wait until they do before I continue. There's a car coming up behind me and I see them slow and then stop to watch the family of deer scamper into the brush.

At the stoplight I turn the music back up. I like this song. Sip coffee with a smile as my heart swells with love for nature and all creatures great and small. I feel peaceful.

Past the Italian place and the gas station and the street with the weird name. Past the homeless people in the park and Planned Parenthood. 1-2-3 stoplights that are always green in the morning. Right turn into the lot, park the car. Beep.  Walk to the office door, digging for work key, then in the lock, juggling coffee, lunch bag, purse, patience. I'm in and up the stairs.

Good morning coworker. Plans for the weekend? Happy Friday. And then I'm in my chair. Computer on, light on, coffee on the desk. Purse on the shelf, lunch bag in the kitchen. Clock in, fingers on the keyboard, email.

It begins.

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