Monday, August 11, 2014

Because I'm Happy

Sometimes, when life is hard...when it throws something at you that you weren't's easy to forget the things to be happy for.  I'm going to challenge myself and name at least 50 things that make me happy.

1. Books. Bookstores. The book section in any store. Libraries...The way they smell, the way they feel in my hands while I hold them gently, the way that they stack haphazardly on my shelf. Just knowing that books exist makes me happy. Little rectangles of brilliance.

2. Coffee and conversation with Dad in the morning. It makes me happy to know that we finally have the relationship my mom always hoped we'd have.

3.  The Golden Girls. According to an internet quiz, I'm a 'Rose'.

4. My best girlfriends. I've known Melissa and Anne for over 20 years. We've been through some ridiculous moments together, sad moments, wonderful scary moments and everything in between. When we're all together, there is always laughter.

5. Being at the ocean. I always seem to feel there. I feel rejuvenated and connected to the world when I'm able to visit the ocean. Almost as though if I had wings, I'd be able to fly.

6. Finding the perfect picture. Taking pictures in the city or in nature-both places can hold wonder. But when I get the shot that makes the thousand before worth it, a sense of satisfaction comes over me

7.  Wind Chimes. The sound of a gentle breeze touching wind chimes brings a sense of peace that is almost indescribable. Even if it's only for a moment, the sound resonates inside, rippling through like a stone cast in water.

8.  The first sip of coffee of the day. It is SO good. Hot and steaming and coffee-y.

9. Smiling dogs

10. Knowing all the words to a song (Or finding out the lyrics to a line you always sang kinda mumbly 'cause you didn't know what it really was)  A new favorite or an oldie but goodie...when I can sing along and feel the lyrics, the song means more and stays with me.

11. Finding something I thought was lost. I went through my storage room the other day and found all of the postcards my grandmother had sent to me before she died. I haven't read them yet but I'm so glad to have them again-I thought they'd been ruined.

12.  Thunderstorms.  Boom! Crash! Crack! Heat lightening storms, torrential rain storms...the electricity in the air is fantastic.

13. Helping someone

14. Campfires

15.  Ice cream

16.  Star Wars puns.

17.  When the water is just right. Swimming, shower, bath, rain....doesn't matter. But when it's just the right temperature? Ahhhhh

18.  Hearing a compliment. I know, duh right? But I like hearing compliments when they're for other people too. It's just nice to hear people being nice to other people.

19.  White Cherry Icees.

20.  New socks.

21.  New Stephen King book. I still have Mr. Mercedes on my coffee table, waiting patiently me for me to crack it's spine

22.  A perfectly ripened avocado

23.  Waiting for the curtain to go up

24.  New school supplies

25.  Flowers. Hydrangeas, foxgloves, lilacs, roses, lily of the valley, dandelions, gladiolas, sunflowers, sweet peas, bluebells, daisies, violets, poppies, wildflowers on the side of the freeway...

26.  Fresh baked bread

27.  A child's laugh

28.  Grocery store cart rides

29,  Kitty face nudges

30.  Watching the sun set, or rise

31.  Clicking with someone new. Doesn't matter if its romantic or friendly-that first spark is neat.

32.  Swinging on the swings. Never too old to lean back and look at the trees a little differently.

33.  The wind catching my hair. Or my skirt. Spring and Summer breezes preferred.

34.  Visiting the elephants

35.  Learning something new

36.  Muppets

37.  Ice cold milk with something sweet

38.  The smell of the beach. Salty and cool and that moment when you first get close enough to smell it

39.  The sound of my dad snoring in front of a football game.

40.  Trees. Great, large green branches reaching to the sky and leafy oaks of red, brown and orange.

41.  Old Bugs Bunny cartoons

42.  Quoting a movie line and having someone yell, "I love that movie!"

43.  Wandering in museums

44. Series finales that end well

45.  Clean sheets on naked skin

46.  Balloons floating through a bright blue sky

47.  Hearing a song my mom used to sing to help me sleep. My favorite is Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell. It's a sad happy, but it still counts.

48.  Chocolate

49.  That moment when you finally let yourself be ok with who you really are

50.  Being me.

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