Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Materialism Tangent

I hate those fucking jewelry commercials. There's always a sappy voiceover and a jingle that induces nausea, "Every kiss begins with Kay..." Close up of a vacant-eyed model with diamonds dripping down her throat. The whole commerical insinuates that if you give your woman jewelry, she'll shove her tongue down your throat.

Or a car. Chicks love a car. And if you get matching cutsie license plates, you're in like Flynn.

This is the time of year it begins. Not quite Thanksgiving and the commercials start.

I don't even know who to blame for this kind of stereotype. Is it the men that try to buy women with material things? Or is it the women that expect them?

I have never been the kind of woman that needs shiny things to make me happy. I'm  much more likely to put out if you tell me about the Lord of the Rings blu-ray set you wanted to get for me but couldn't quite afford. Because it would mean you knew I liked LOTR and you wanted me to have something that you knew I would enjoy.

Why is it that there is so much expectation to buy something of high monetary value? What happened to the handwritten card? When did I start to sound like my grandmother?

Getting older is interesting. It allows me to have this huge amount of experiences that no one else will ever have. One of the coolest things about meeting someone new is finding all the similarities you share. So you can swap experiences.

I kinda like getting older.

I remember listening to women that are my age now when I was barely 21 and thinking, "Jesus, they're so old."  I remember 35 being 'old'.  Well, not like walker with tennis balls old, but...old. But being 35 has allowed me to finally grow into me. I like what's on the inside of my skin and I'm starting to really be ok with the outside of it too.

Some kid today shuffled past me with his pants sagging past his kneecaps and a cigarette dangling from his barely pubed lip. "Damn girl, you beautiful," he leered and ok, yeah, I smiled a little.

That last little bit is a bit off of my point, but I think you can see how it works here. Ooo wait, can I use the term, "but I digress..." here?

Let's try it.

But I digress....

It is very much the thought that counts. It's about the fact that at some point, on your own, my likes and dislikes have been noted in your sexually soaked mind.

I'm an observant creature and I notice when you notice me. I don't need a new car or a diamond necklace. A kiss, for me, doesn't begin with 'Kay'. It begins with Orcs.

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