Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Oh My God, Online Dating

I haven't been doing the online dating thing very long and I recognize that these things take time.
I have a raging case of pms that has caused me to want to punch people in the throat off and on for about 3 days.
It's pretty much common knowledge that men are stupid and I came to terms with that years ago. I also accepted that I liked them anyway. 

 Online dating is proving to be sort of not awesome. I think its more my speed than actual one on one in person, face to face type dating though. At least this way I just have to deal with the rejection of my picture, a small self summary and my list of likes on food, movies, music and tv.

Question for you, male 'matches'. Why are you still on an online dating site, listed as single when you are 'seeing someone'? Are you really, or are you just trying to let me down easy? Fuck you. I don't need your sympathy. I'll meet someone that freaking LOVES that I like the Muppets and that I have to have tp come from the top.  And maybe I really DO like drinking pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. Who are you to judge me?

End (mostly sarcastic) rant.

I told you I had pms.

I think I'm disappointed because this has sort of always been my type of dating. I express myself well through my words. I'm witty and clever and funny and kind and understanding, all behind the safety of a computer screen. This is my Playboy mansion.

It's when I'm standing in front of someone that I get all stupid. I usually attach Retail Face (surprisingly effective in these types of situations) and wing it and noone is the wiser.  I haven't had many boyfriends and the ones I've had were more like superfriends instead of boyfriends so I'm actually pretty clueless.

When I'm click click clicking away through an IM screen, I'm much more likely to tell you how amazing I am.  I do it even though I hope the right person will be able to see it without me saying so because it's easier through typed words. And if we get to the point of coffee or drinks or some other evening activity, it's almost a given that I will freak out a little even though I'll still do it though. That's why this time it's different.

It's a new world out there. People don't even need to see each other in person anymore. I remember when I first started working in the shop I told my coworker that my future husband would own a Lab, drive a truck and have eyes that smiled.

He hasn't come in yet.

So I'm doing what all the other kids are doing. I'm doing the online dating thing-something I used to whisper when I told people and now am blogging about.  I figure I have way more control this way.  If I get to the point where its just pissing me off, or the rejection has gotten a little too real, I'll just stop checking the stupid little mailbox for awhile. I'll let them come to me. Who knows? Maybe they'll have a Lab.

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