Sunday, January 20, 2019


A: accept who I am
B: believe in who I am
C: control is not always possible
D: depression is a liar
E: expect anything
F: forgive
G: grow
H: heal
I: inspire others
J: joy is not impossible
K: Klonopin does not mean you're weak
L: love yourself
M: mend your mind with laughter
N: new discoveries can be scary but they're mostly good
O: only you can prevent forest fires (I don't know, O is weird)
P: pace yourself for healing
Q: quiet the inside voices with love
R: read
S: someone is always there
T: try
U: underneath the layers are more layers
V: very very frightening me ( V is weird too)
W: weird is ok
X: x-men are cool (I mean, can you think of a good X word?)
Y: you're beautiful
Z: zebras think so too

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