Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Your Right

I want to buy flowers for the people that work at Planned Parenthood.

This morning I drove passed and there were two elderly gentlemen standing in front of the building. Behind them, secured to the fence was a poster that screamed, "Don't kill babies!"

The men themselves were holding picket signs with blown up photographs of extremely graphic material, meant I'm sure to bring fear or disgust to those that passed them.

There were no women present.

They also had a large truck, the side printed with propaganda about how awful abortion is combined with religious phrases.

Two older men, standing with their Starbucks and their opinions.

Several thoughts came flooding through. The first was about the folks working inside the building. How someone just going to work could potentially face something so uncomfortable. I wondered if they were angry or frustrated with the men. Are they harassed as they walk in to start their day or do the men just stand there, silently judging?

I thought about the men too. Why? Just....why? Does it help them feel good about themselves? Do they truly believe they are helping to educate others by having ugly pictures on sticks? Have they done the research that shows the benefits of Planned Parenthood or is it just 'wrong' ? Do they have daughters? Wives? Have they thought about how their actions affect them?

I am not against people having opinions. Not at all. I appreciate that we have the freedom to voice them and these two men were not being nasty or shouting at cars or doing anything unruly. They were just standing there, sipping their coffee. It seemed almost like a social event rather than a protest.

But what I don't understand is why they feel what they're doing would be beneficial to anyone. I suppose it could be to bring awareness, but they're doing it with fear and buzzwords. If you truly believe that abortion is wrong and you feel that strongly about it, why not help spread awareness of other alternatives instead of parading around with pictures of aborted fetuses?

Why can't we help each other learn instead of teaching each other to hate or be fearful?

Lately it seems like there is far more anger, hatred, and just...ugliness in the world. Perhaps it's always been there but now it's more easily seen. We are repeatedly shown that it's okay to express and act with anger, hatred and ugliness. It's even encouraged or celebrated. It's your right after all.

Just like the men in front of Planned Parenthood. It's their right to stand there and socialize while holding horrifying photographs and cups of coffee. But when does the act become less important than the right to perform it? It may be your right to spew forth angry, ugly words - but is it the right thing to do?

Why don't more people ask that question?

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