Monday, April 25, 2016

Left Turn

I was making a left hand turn. I had my blinker on, the light was green and I got halfway to the crosswalk when I saw her.

Long brown hair hung limp down her back. She wore gray and large glasses. She carried a bag and she walked with purpose. I stopped and so did she.

Her face turned to me and she was clearly irritated. "Go," she mouthed and I did.

She was me a year ago. Maybe a few differences-I usually wear black-but I remember that feeling of utter annoyance when a car was turning into the crosswalk I was halfway through.

I've had a several close calls while a pedestrian, so now, as a driver, I'm especially careful and courteous. But she didn't know that. To her I was just another asshole in too much of a hurry to let her cross the street.

The tables have turned.

I checked the rearview mirror after I'd passed, she made it safely across with no middle finger salute to my back-another difference between us-and we went our separate ways.

I couldn't help thinking that if our paths had met while we were both walking, or shopping in the same aisle in the grocery store, would she have smiled instead of scowled? Would she have stepped aside and gestured for me to move ahead with my cart or would she have walked by without a glance?

Are angry drivers angry walkers? While I'm not necessarily angry, I do find myself annoyed a bit when I'm stuck behind a slow truck in the fast lane. Same when I'm walking and someone is oblivious to my presence and they're meandering, completely unaware I'd like to pass them.

I'd like to think that if I was in a crosswalk and a car was making a left, I might be a little more understanding now. Then again, maybe I'd flip them off.

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