Wednesday, December 3, 2014

By the End, I'm Ok

Today was...a day.

I woke up to find a message from a friend. A friend that is becoming a little more than that and it was nice to feel that feeling without being afraid of it.

Work was a Monday and it's near the first of the month and there's so much to do and I have orientation with the new girl today and wait, did anyone take the deposit? and "Lindsay phone for you, it's your boss. Shouldn't have done that. Fix it and smile! It's retail! You're an example!"


And then a text from someone I didn't need to hear from. A message proving what I didn't see all along. Selfish. Ugly. Hurtful. Sociopath.

I got through that one ok. Took me a minute. I had to let myself feel every cruel word one more time because the wound is healing but it's still red and it hurts when you poke it.

I got through the rest of the Monday, closed up shop. I found a message from the friend and it made me smile. I was back on the upside.

Finally starting to relax, sort of watching the TV I hear the sound of what unfortunately is so very familiar now and I know...that cat is ruining something. I want to cry with frustration as I clean up the mess again. I realize I can't keep doing this and I plea with friends to help me.

I want to cry now. Work stress. Hurtful reminders. Cats. But I don't. Instead I remember that everything is going to be ok in the end.

If it's not ok, it isn't the end.

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