Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lindsay's Favorite Things (Suck it Oprah)

I was cooking myself some breakfast this morning, dancing around the kitchen to some old Billy Joel tune and I started thinking about how perfectly perfect that moment felt. How feeling those perfect moments is one of the absolute favorite things in my whole put together. True to form, I started thinking about other perfect moments and eventually that led me to remember that Oprah had her own freaking show about all the things she loved and how much she irritates me all high and mighty with her riches and how all I had was a blog that I hadn't written on in forever....and now I'm here. It all comes back to Why Oprah is Wretched

Here, my dear reader (if there are any of you left) are a few of my favorite things.

1. Breakfast. For dinner, out in a fancy restaurant, in a shitty diner...doesn't matter. What does matter is the coffee, the company and whether or not they have eggs benedict on the menu-even if I don't want it.

2. White lights in ficus trees for year round or multi colored lights on a Christmas tree. I love the soft glow the lights make when the house is otherwise cast in shadow.

3. Crunching fall leaves. The crisp air, that lovely satisfying crunch as you giant-step through a pile of burnt red and orange leaves...It just always makes me smile.

4. Hearing a song that you've heard a million times but finally listening to it. I did that recently with 'Fire & Rain' by James Taylor. Jesus that song is sad. As I listened to it, singing along with the chorus, I got goosebumps because there is some serious pain in those lyrics. Go back and listen to it again. Haunting.

5.  My boyfriend's feet with mine as we fall asleep. Perfect

6.  Getting goodies in the mail from Amazon. It's not like I don't know what I'm getting-I ordered it. But a package on your doorstep that you definitely know isn't a bomb or some sort of Seven tribute is awesome. *You get a bonus point if you know the reference by the way.

7.  Passing a level in fucking Candy Crush. Stupid, addicting internet game.

8.  Head butts from my calico. Even if I'm irritated at the world, if she gets in my face and starts giving me nudges, I smile and start cooing ridiculous little kitty songs to her.

9.  First sip of coffee. I didn't realize I audibly sighed with pleasure when I took that first sip until my coworker pointed it out.  Sweet, sweet caffeinated nectar.

10.  Fast forwarding through commercials and stopping just seconds before the show is back. Gets a fist pump and a 'yessss!' every time.

So....there you have it. And you know what? Almost all of my favorite things don't cost $250+.  Maybe it's because I'm not a media icon....yet.  ;-)

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