Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Note to Self

There's a line from a movie, because there always is, and when the guy says he loves the girl she asks, "Why?"

He tells her it's because there isn't a part of her that doesn't feel everything.

I feel everything. It's exhausting. I also say whatever I'm thinking and I relate to people's stories. I'm too close to everything. Everyone. I feel electric, like my skin is just dancing...all the time.

Boundaries. Fences around my heart and thoughts to keep the bad guys out. But if I do that, if I close myself away, how do I let anyone in?

Balance. Don't give it all away. Don't keep it all to yourself. Take risks but don't be stupid. The world is scary but it's so very beautiful. Don't forget to live.

How do I know I'm going to have a guy that loves me because I love everything? You don't. Nothing is certain and everything is a possibility. Try to get out of your head a little and just let things happen.

Also, love doesn't happen like it does in the movies. It doesn't really happen like your parents had it either. Love is different for everyone and it might not even happen for you. Not because you suck or because you're unlovable but because it just might not. All that romantical stuff that you wish for  just isn't very likely.

That's ok you know. Because you have you. And you're kind of awesome. And when you ask yourself why, it's ok to say, "Because I feel everything."

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